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Legal.io Newsletter - February 11, 2022

Published weekly on Friday, the Legal.io Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.

Legal.io Newsletter - February 11, 2022

Legal Job Gains - The legal services sector gained 1,800 jobs from December 2021 in January, for a total of 1,176,600 legal jobs, according to new stats by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. More here.

BigLaw Plan Partial Office Reopening by March - Employees at Kirkland & Ellis are expected on-site three days a week by late March. At least 7 BigLaw firms are targeting February and March as a soft reopening of their offices after a steady decline in COVID-19 cases. More here

Metaverse Hosts Its First Marriage - The legally-recognized marriage of a Phoenix couple happened in Decentraland this past Saturday. Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick officiated. More here

Two NYC Residents Arrested for $4.5B in Stolen Bitcoin Conspiracy - The DOJ announced two Manhattan residents were arrested for an alleged conspiracy to launder $4.5B in stolen cryptocurrency from the 2016 hack of Bitfinex. More here

The Remote GC - Almost half the general counsel who go through the job search process want to work remotely—companies are ever more willing to acquiesce, but Fortune 500 companies remain reluctant. More here.

Lexly + LegalHero - The Swedish legal services company that provides fixed price legal services for consumers bought Denmark's LegalHero to establish "the go-to platform for legal services in the Nordics'. More here.

In-house? Join the conversation on Fishbowl (anonymous).

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