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Legal.io Newsletter - December 3, 2021

Published weekly on Friday, the Legal.io Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.

Legal.io Newsletter - December 3, 2021


Arent Fox + Schiff Hardin - The two firms announced their merger planned for March of 2022. The new firm, to be called ArentFox Schiff, will have 600+ lawyers, putting them on the AM Law 100 list. More here

LexisNexis Acquires Closd - Lexis acquired the Paris-based legal transaction management company for an undisclosed amount. More here.

ABA Grants Acceptance of GRE - the ABA announced this week that it will permit law schools to require the GRE instead of the LSAT for admissions decisions. More here

FTC Sues Nvidia - the FTC sued to block Nvidia's $40B proposal to take over Arm. Ltd. claiming the deal would harm competition in the semiconductor market. More here. 

UK Competition and Markets Authority Orders Meta to Sell Giphy - the UK org issued an order this week requiring Meta to sell the image platform over competition concerns. More here

Kirkland & Ellis Shorten Partner Track - the firm will consider lawyers for equity shares nine years after they leave law school rather than 10, signaling increased competition. More here

A Lawyers' Car Rental over Thanksgiving - Kate Klonick used Hertz Rental Car services over the holiday. Her tweets about her experience went viral, gathering over 53K likes. More here

In-house? Join the conversation on Fishbowl (anonymous).

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