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Community Perspectives: How do I actually need to stay in BigLaw before I can get an in-house job?

In-house legal professionals share their thoughts on when an attorney is ready to go in-house.

Community Perspectives: How do I actually need to stay in BigLaw before I can get an in-house job?
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DOJ Aims to Tackle AI Misuse with New Enforcement Strategy

The new strategy to combat AI misuse includes an enforcement program and sentencing enhancements for crimes made significantly more dangerous by AI.

DOJ Aims to Tackle AI Misuse with New Enforcement Strategy
Tesla Faces Legal Crossroads in Upcoming Autopilot Fatality Trials

Tesla prepares for its first trials involving fatalities allegedly caused by its Autopilot system. The outcomes could have significant implications for the company, Elon Musk, and the broader landscape of autonomous driving technologies.

Tesla Faces Legal Crossroads in Upcoming Autopilot Fatality Trials
The NextGen Bar Exam: A New Era in Five Jurisdictions

New bar exam will first be implemented in Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Wyoming, and Connecticut.

The NextGen Bar Exam: A New Era in Five Jurisdictions
FTC Issues Non-Compete Ban Amid Legal Challenges

The FTC has issued a rule banning non-compete clauses, aiming to remove restrictions that prevent employees from switching jobs within an industry.

FTC Issues Non-Compete Ban Amid Legal Challenges
FTC’s Non-Compete Ban Blocked Nationwide by Federal Court

The Federal Trade Commission's non-compete ban has been blocked nationwide after Texas Federal Judge Ada Brown ruled that the agency lacked the authority to enact the “unreasonably overbroad” regulation.

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Jill Ratner to Take the Helm as GC at Sony Pictures Entertainment

Jill Ratner, previously with Disney, has been named the new General Counsel for Sony Pictures Entertainment, succeeding Leah Weil.

Jill Ratner to Take the Helm as GC at Sony Pictures Entertainment
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