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Legal.io Newsletter - September 24, 2021

Published weekly on Friday, the Legal.io Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.

Legal.io Newsletter - September 24, 2021


The State Bar of California Board of Trustees on Thursday gave its preliminary blessing to a proposed 'paraprofessional' program that will let trained paraprofessional offer legal advice in limited settings. More here.

Legal Tech breaks VC records - Legal tech companies have already seen more than $1 billion in venture capital investments so far this calendar year, according to Crunchbase data, exceeding the $510 million invested last year and the all-time high of $989 million in 2019. More here.

Law Student Debt - The ABA published a report on the impact of law school debt on 1,300 new lawyers. Of those surveyed, 61% said they would attend law school again if they had the choice. More here 

Wilson Sonsini Automates S1 - 
The firm has partnered with Workiva to automate the SEC Form S-1 that is used for IPO registration. The app, called WS-1, aims to "substantially reduce inefficiencies involved in preparing the S-1 form" according to the firm. More here.

BigLaw Builds Cannabis Practice Groups - As the number of states decriminalizing use of marijuana rises, BigLaw sets up new programs to traverse the legal limbo. More here.

The LCLD Requires Public Diversity Pledges - The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity announced it will now require its ~350 members to make public pledges with 'specific, measurable actions' on diversity to continue membership within the organization. More here.

In-house? Join the conversation on Fishbowl (anonymous).

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