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Community Perspectives: Has anyone come into a company in a non-attorney position and transitioned to counsel?

In-house legal professionals share insight their experiences with internal growth.

Community Perspectives: Has anyone come into a company in a non-attorney position and transitioned to counsel?
(Author) Attorney

I have a non-attorney role but my company often assigns legal issues to navigate (contract review, dispute resolution, legislative/policy developments). I’ve been there 2.5 years and, when I came on, the role was pitched as one that would grow into counsel, then GC, within 5 years. I plan to leave but I want to change my title so my resume/LinkedIn look better for job applications. - Has anyone come in on a non-attorney role and grown to counsel? Has anyone pitched their way into a counsel title?

In-house? Join the conversation on Fishbowl (anonymous).

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