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Legal.io Newsletter - August 27, 2021

Published weekly on Friday, the Legal.io Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.

Legal.io Newsletter - August 27, 2021


California's Gig Workers Law has been ruled unconstitutional and unenforceable by the state's Superior Court judge Frank Roesch. His ruling last Friday affects companies like Uber and Lyft's ability to classify drivers as independent contractors. More here

Law Business Research + Docket Navigator; CloudNine + ESI Analyst - #legaltech mergers are still going strong! LBR has acquired Docket Navigator to reinforce their data-driven, tech-enabled platform, and CloudNine looks to ESI Analyst to help further their plans to provide one place to process, analyze, review and produce modern and traditional data. More here

ILTACON Numbers Dwindle - the first annual hybrid conference for the International Legal Technology Association has seen many vendors and attendants pull out of in-person events due to the Delta variant. More here

BigLaw Continues to see Work Surge - The upswing has divided partners and associates with the latter handling the brunt of additional tasks. Revenue is up 16.5% in the first half of 2021 for the 50 largest U.S. law firms compared to the same time period last year. Associates are on pace to bill 1,817 average hours (up 10% from last year). More here. 

Law Firms Face Messy Vaccine Decisions - More and more firms are enforcing vaccine mandates for lawyers, office staff and guests. These mandates are walking a thin line between safety measures and infringing on personal rights; a situation most firms have not had to deal with until now. More here.

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U.S. Judiciary Considers Ethical Overhaul in Law Clerk Hiring
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Southwest Airlines has announced a restructuring of its legal and governance leadership, initiating a new phase for its in-house team.

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Wilmer Adds Non-Equity Partnership Tier

WilmerHale has introduced a non-equity partnership tier, aligning with a growing trend among major law firms to offer a two-tier partnership structure. The move will not impact current equity partners.

Law Firms
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