Published weekly on Friday, the Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.
ABA 2021 Profile of the Legal Profession study was released - a 140-page compilation of statistics in 11 areas, including demographics, law schools, judges and legal technology. Press release here. Full pdf here.
HelloDivorce Raises $2M - Oakland-based #legaltech company, HelloDivorce announced it has raised $2M in a seed round led by CEAS. More here.
GC's coordinate "Back to Office" Plan with Firms - As COVID variant numbers climb, GC are keeping a close eye on CDC guidelines as well as employee vaccinations. More here.
Bar exam tech troubles continue to disrupt remote testing efforts for the third time in a row, leading to a spike in anxiety for test takers. More here.
Holland & Knight + Thompson & Knight Salary Raises - Following the mega firm merger news, managing partners are letting associates know their new pay scale includes some upgrades. More here.
Agiloft, Kira + BlackBoiler - Factor, a contract-focused ALSP, has launched a new close partnership group including Agiloft, Kira, and BlackBoiler as its first cohort. More here.
One third of older lawyers changed retirement plans as a result of the public health crisis per ABA data, with 53% delaying their retirement and 47% accelerating it. More here.
There were 1,327,910 active lawyers in the US as of 2021 (ABA Profile of the Legal Profession)
In-house? Join the conversation on Fishbowl (anonymous).
A look into the legal job market, and how COVID-19 has affected job prospects for individuals seeking work, based on data from The US Bureau of labor statistics, Indeed, LinkedIn, and the Community.
Published weekly on Friday, the Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.
Legal technology companies are expanding rapidly, as law firms and legal departments deck themselves out with enough computing power to manage a minor space mission. But how can you know if the software you’ve installed is really helping your business? Let’s have a look at some key traits to look out for when evaluating legal technology.
Flexible work arrangements are increasingly important for legal professionals.
A survey by Clio finds that AI adoption in the legal sector has soared from 19% to 79% in just one year.
Published weekly on Friday, the Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.
A look at how much lawyers make in every US state, based on statistics by the Bureau of Labor.
The FTC continues to crack down on privacy and cybersecurity, including issuing a new warning to tax preparation companies and entering into a consent decree with VPPA and BIPA litigation continues to dominate the courts, including a denial of a motion to dismiss regarding worker’s voiceprints. In California, a federal judge enjoined enforcement of the Age-Appropriate Design Code Act. On the international level, Canada issued a Generative AI Code of Conduct for feedback, and the EU-DPF survives a court case.
Remote employees and contractors have long been touted as the future of work, and this trend is only accelerating under current circumstances. Many legal departments now have experience with, or are at least exploring, the benefits of hiring remote attorneys and paraprofessionals. Here's how to make it work well.