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Legal.io Newsletter - July 9, 2021

Published weekly on Friday, the Legal.io Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.

Legal.io Newsletter - July 9, 2021


6,000 new legal jobs were added in June according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment in professional services has risen by 1.8 million since falling by 2.4 million in March and April 2020. More here.

MyCase Acquires Two #LegalTech Companies - the law practice management company acquired CASEpeer and Woodpecker in recent months without public announcement. More here

AbacusNext + Zola Suite - the legal tech companies have combined efforts to create a broader portfolio of legal software solutions. More here

LitLingo Closes $7.5M Series A - the Austin-based "real-time AI communication analytics platform" announced it has closed a Series A round led by Breyer Capital. More here

Bloomberg Law Survey: Lawyer Well-Being is in Decline - ~66% of junior and mid-level attorneys surveyed reported a decline in well-being in Q1 2021, while 41% of senior associates reported the same. More here

NALPs Report: Lateral Associate Hiring Plummeted in 2020 - After relatively steady in 2019, lateral hiring of associates fell by more than 30% in 2020 due to the pandemic; the largest decline in lateral hiring since the peak of the Great Recession in 2009. More here

California Eyes the Future of Its Bar Exam - The State Bar Blue Ribbon Commission is evaluating recommendations raised by CAPA Working Group and other policy questions. More here.

In-house? Join the conversation on Fishbowl (anonymous).

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