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Legal.io Presents: Cured

In recognition of PRIDE month, Legal.io presents a free film screening of CURED - a documentary that tells the story of the activists who brought about a pivotal but little-known victory in the movement for LGBTQ equality: the American Psychiatric Association’s 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from its manual of mental illnesses.

Legal.io Presents: Cured


Legal.io invites you to a special private virtual screening of CURED, which has been described as “fascinating” (Hollywood Reporter), “riveting” (The Queer Review) and “astonishingly rich ... one of the best documentaries of this or any year" (British Film Institute). This award-winning documentary chronicles the battle waged by a small group of activists who declared war against a formidable institution — and won a crucial victory in the modern movement for LGBTQ equality.

On Thursday, June 24th at 4 pm PT, join us for a virtual discussion about CURED with the film's co-director, Patrick Sammon; activist and film interviewee, Rev. Magora Kennedy; and Senior Fellow for Advocacy & Government Affairs at The Trevor Project, Casey Pick. Click on the "Q&A" tab above to participate in this live event.

Making History

Until 1973, the medical establishment classified every gay person — no matter how well-adjusted — as the victim of a disease. As long as lesbians and gay men were “sick,” progress toward equality was impossible. CURED takes viewers inside the David-versus-Goliath battle that led the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to remove homosexuality from its manual of mental illnesses.

Even though this film highlights a story from the past, it offers lessons that are profoundly relevant today. This film reveals how a handful of determined individuals can create lasting social change.


Register and join us for the screening


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