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Community Perspectives: How did you find your current in-house position?

Our in-house professional community discuss their sources for finding in-house positions.

Community Perspectives: How did you find your current in-house position?

For this of you who recently transitioned from a firm to in-house work, how and where did you find your in-house position? Recruiters? Clients? Indeed/LinkedIn? Word of mouth? I’m a mid-level employment associate and I'm starting to explore going in-house, but am not sure where or how to begin the search. Thanks in advance for any tips and advice!

  • The list from A5 will get you the bulk of all new job postings. Make sure to work your network; especially because job submissions these days often go into the Workday/Recruiting software blackhole, so you will want to get the name of the hiring manager/internal recruiter. Ultimately, the best way to get an in-house position is with an existing client. That’s what I did. Since I already new the business (and some of the legal team), making the transition from private practice to in-house was much easier.
  • A recruiter found me on LinkedIn.
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