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Legal.io Newsletter - May 21, 2021

Published weekly on Friday, the Legal.io Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.

Legal.io Newsletter - May 21, 2021


FisherBroyles entered the AmLaw 200 with $105 million in revenue in 2020 after hiring 51 partners, almost all from top firms, over the last 12 months. The firm is virtual, maintaining no offices. More here.

AmLaw 200 2021 rankings for the 101 - 200 ranking firms have been released. Key findings show that gross revenue for the bottom 100 firms grew by 1.1% in 2020 (down by 4% from 2019), while the top 100 firms saw a 6.6% increase on average. More here (subscription required).

The State Bar of California announced changes to its accreditation rules citing efforts to encourage diversity and inclusion within student learning goals. More here.

The National Center for Access to Justice released the results of a national survey on state civil justice policies, ranking which jurisdictions were providing access to justice most effectively. More here.  

Josef, an Australia-based, no-code software company has raised $2.5M. The funding round was led by Carthona Capital. More here

LawInsider Announces Eigen Technologies Partnership - the two companies will combine efforts in the machine-learning automation Eigen provides in extracting answers from within LawInsider's extensive contract and clause database. More here

Microsoft is Retiring Internet Explorer - the 25-year-old browser is going to be shut down on June 15th, 2022. More here.


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