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Community Perspectives: Does anyone know of a comprehensive list of agreements?

Our in-house professional community lists some of their go-to lists of agreements.

Community Perspectives: Does anyone know of a comprehensive list of agreements?

(Author) Associate Attorney

Does anyone know of a comprehensive list of agreements? I'm going in house soon and would like to be sure I have a nice representative sample of templates. I've hit all of the normal ones that I see frequently, but wonder if somebody has created a useful list.

General Counsel Responses:

  • I'm a fan of Westlaw's Practical Law. It's a great knowledge management tool.
  • It depends on the sector. Lots of tech stuff out there, but not so much in some industries.

Counsel Responses:

Author (Associate Attorney)

Thanks. I've seen this site frequently when searching for obscure provisions, but looks like this is as good as a firm's database.

Attorney Responses:

  • Lexis has the best and most comprehensive forms with good explainers and source materials, but most companies won’t pay the monthly rate.

(Author) Associate Attorney

This is exactly my fear! I love the safety net provided by Westlaw/Lexis/iManage. I'll feel naked without these backups!

  • Some in-house companies have subscriptions to Practical Law, which has been very useful.
  • Following - This is such a good question!
  • I'm curious as well if anyone is aware of a cheat sheet of contract provisions, too.

In-house? Join the conversation on Fishbowl (anonymous).

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