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The H-1B Visa Explained

The H1B visa classification permits a foreign national to work in the United States for a temporary period.

The H-1B Visa Explained

What is the H-1B visa?

The H-1B visa provides temporary status to live and work in the United States. It is the employer, not the worker, that files the application and, if successful, the H-1B visa is tied to that sponsoring employer. If the H-1B worker quits, is laid off, or otherwise loses the connection to the sponsoring employer, the worker must find a new H-1B sponsoring employer, change to a different visa or get a green card, or leave the United States. The H-1B visa holder must, at the least, have a bachelor’s degree and must working a “specialty occupation,” defined as an occupation requiring at least a Bachelor’s Degree.

The basics of H-1B Visa

Why are H-1B visas so important?

H-1B Visas are one of the key ways technology companies, from start-ups to Google, hire international talent. In fact, The H-1B Visa is the only temporary work visa that is available to US Companies to hire foreign talent. This Visa is of special significance to companies in the Silicon Valley, due to shortage of US workers in the high tech sector However, as the H-1B visa requires a bachelor’s degree or higher and a position in a “specialty occupation,” H-1B visa reform could impact a large variety of industries.

Are there deadlines and other restrictions with the H-1B visa?

Yes, there is a 65,000 quota cap on the number of H1B visas with a special exemption for 20,000 people with a master’s degree or higher from an American university (i.e, a total of 85,000). With the US economy doing well, the quotas are expected to fill up quickly- soon after applications open. Last year, applications were accepted starting April 1, 2014 and were closed on April 7th 2014. This year, applications open on April 1, 2015 with expectations to close as soon as April 5. Family members do not count against the visa quota.

H-1B Quota and H-1B Cap-Demystified

Are there any fees for filing an H-1B application?

Yes. The fees range from $1,575 to $4,325, depending upon the size of the company. There is an additional $1,225 for premium processing. Most of the fees are covered by employers, but in some instances it is appropriate for the employee to pay some part of the fee. The fee does not include attorney fees, travel costs, etc.

Can an H-1B visa holder eventually get a green card?

Yes. H-1B visa holders may adjust status to get legal permanent residence through either a qualifying relative or an employer. This is how most temporary visa holders adjust their status. A US Employer must file an Employment Based Green Card Application to sponsor a foreign worker for Permanent Residence.

When are H-1B visa holders not subject to the annual cap?

H-1B visa holders who spent more than one year outside of U.S. and did not use up their entire six-year term can choose to be re-admitted for the “remainder” of initial six-year period without being subject to the H-1B visa cap of 85,000. In addition, H-1B employees of certain hospitals, research and educational institutes, and non-profit organizations are exempt from the annual cap. This means that these employers can petition for an H-1B visa for their employees any time of the year.

Furthermore, family members of H-1B visa holders that come under the H-4 status will not count against the six-year maximum period if the family member chooses to pursue an H-1B visa of their own.

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