According to the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy, in 2008 there were 29+ million small businesses in the United States, and half of all American workers were employed by small businesses.
Forming your business
The business structure you choose will have legal and tax implications.
In selecting a business entity, there are several criteria you need to evaluate and keep in mind:
Selecting an Entity Type
Naming Your Business
There's one golden rule for naming your business:
You're not naming a business, you're naming a brand.
Use the following three steps as a guide to naming your company:
How to legally name your business
Taxes / Licenses & Permits
In order to successfully start and maintain a business, you need to make sure you're compliant with taxation laws, have applied for the relevant business licenses, and have all necessary permits.
You can find detailed resources on all three areas below:
Financing Timeline
Hogan Lovells, Norton Rose and other major law firms partner with SkillBurst Interactive to help provide specialized AI training.
Prologis, a global leader in logistics real estate, has announced the retirement of two key executives, with experienced in-house talent slated to take the helm.
While Sullivan & Cromwell signaled an expectation of five days of weekly office attendance and WSGR increased the hours threshold for special bonuses.
Published weekly on Friday, the Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech
Published weekly on Friday, the Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.
In our recent webinar, distinguished legal trailblazers convened to delve into the various routes leading to leadership positions in legal operations. This enlightening session empowered participants with crucial tools, strategies, and perspectives to unleash their leadership capabilities and thrive within corporate in-house legal departments.
The FTC's ban on noncompete clauses has sparked a national debate and has led to states reassessing their legal frameworks surrounding employment restrictions.
Amazon was found to have infringed four voice-recognition patents when it included VoiceBox ’s technology in its Echo smart speakers.
FTX was ordered to pay 12.7B to victims, the SEC has filed a lawsuit against NovaTech, and Coinbase criticizes the SEC definition of "exchange".