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What is the First (1st) Amendment to the US Constitution?

The First Amendment to the US Consititution prohibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

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AI Market Expected to Reach Nearly $1 Trillion by 2027: Bain & Co.

The global market for AI-related products is inflating at a rapid rate of 40% to 55% annually and will hit as much as $990 billion in 2027, as the technology’s quick adoption disrupts companies and economies, a Bain & Co. report said.

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Client cost-cutting, talent wars, and AI automation: A perfect storm for law firms this year.

Law Firms Brace for Uncertain 2024, Report Says
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Understanding the challenges and embracing the opportunities of an ever-changing legal landscape.

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Legal Operations Veteran Jenn McCarron Departs Netflix, Eyes New Horizons

McCarron, former Head of Legal Ops at Netflix, has left the company after five years to pursue new opportunities in New York, hinting at a groundbreaking project in the legal ops field.

Legal Operations Veteran Jenn McCarron Departs Netflix, Eyes New Horizons
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Legal.io Newsletter - January 28, 2022

Published weekly on Friday, the Legal.io Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.

Legal.io Newsletter - January 28, 2022
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eDiscovery is experiencing a hiring surge due to technological advancements, increasing data volumes, and a shift towards remote and flexible work models, creating a high demand for professionals with legal and technological expertise.

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The proposed law will ensure that big tech companies operate in a manner that is fair to both businesses and consumers.

UK Antitrust Regulator to Take on BigTech with New Legal Power
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Apple’s Strategic Investment in Generative AI

The company reportedly plans to incorporate generative AI across its entire range of products.

Apple’s Strategic Investment in Generative AI
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Community Spotlight: Mara Senn, Executive Global Compliance Lead at GE Healthcare

Join our host and CEO, Pieter Gunst, as he explores the career journey of Mara Senn, Executive Global Compliance Lead at GE Healthcare.

Community Spotlight: Mara Senn, Executive Global Compliance Lead at GE Healthcare
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