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The Best Online Legal Job Boards

With the current uncertain legal landscape, a lot of attorneys and other legal professionals are seeking employment together. Take a look at the several different resources available online to help you pick up your career.

The Best Online Legal Job Boards

With the current uncertain legal landscape, a lot of attorneys and other legal professionals are seeking employment together. Take a look at the several different resources available online to help you pick up your career.

Legal.io - Legal Talent Network

Thousands of attorneys rely on Legal.io to find work they love. On top of helping private and in-house attorneys, we also offer Legal Operations, Paralegals, and other legal professionals the chance to build their network and stay connected. Our public job board is updated daily with new in-house opportunities.


Indeed allows legal professional to search millions of jobs online to find the next step in their career path. With the ability to create an account, job search (with job alert subscriptions), upload your resume, and visit company profiles and reviews, you can find everything you need to apply for your next legal position. 


LawJobs.com is one of the highest-ranking job sites for legal professionals and recruitment departments. Their global resources cover attorneys, paralegals, business development executives and legal professionals. You can create your own account to start searching!


Anyone from law students to legal staff to practicing attorneys can utilize LawCrossing’s resources for job searching. Their unique search tools allow you to search by practice area, city or state across several positions in the legal industry. 


A seasoned job search engine, Monster.com allows legal professionals to peruse job postings from several different sources and firms across hundreds of different networks. Using tools like their salary comparison, resume and cover letter assistance and catalog of career advise articles, Monster.com is a one-stop shop.


Another veteran of the legal industry job search effort, CareerBuilder offers resources for both employers and legal job seekers. You can subscribe to job alerts and enable “one-click” applications by creating an account with them.


LinkedIn is not just a social networking site, but also provides job search opportunities. Legal sector seekers can use the many filters and keyword searches to find the job that suits them. With a premium account, you’ll have access to expected salary ranges and estimated job offer rates based on how a profile matches any one position. 


USA Jobs is a United States Office of Personnel Management website and allows legal professionals (both civilian and military alike) to apply for a myriad of positions. The outstanding organizational information within each role allows the user to know exactly what to expect when they apply.

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