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20 places on Reddit where attorneys, legal professionals and people with legal questions gather

Reddit consists of a huge number of communities that host vivid discussion on a wide variety of topics. Here are twenty subreddits frequented by legal professionals, and those interested in the law.

20 places on Reddit where attorneys, legal professionals and people with legal questions gather

Reddit, one of the most visited websites in the US, hosts discussion on a wide range of topics like news, science, movies, video games, music, books, fitness, food, and ... the law. 

 For any (aspiring) legal professional looking to see new perspectives, learn something, have a good laugh or even make new (online) friends, here are twenty subreddits frequented by legal professionals, and those interested in the law.

r/Law- A public subreddit with 114k+ members covering news about legal developments. Heavy emphasis on US law and US political developments covering the legal system. 

r/LegalAdvice - With a stunning 1.2M members, r/legaladvice is "a place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained". Featuring questionable advice based on extremely limited fact-patterns, the subreddit is effectively a pulse of the wide variety of legal issues Reddit users encounter in their day to day lives.

r/LawSchool - For current and former Law School Redditors, r/lawschool is an open discussion subreddit for law school students. With over 100,000 members, this is a very active community that hosts a healthy mix of practical questions, advice and humor.

r/Paralegal - An open discussion subreddit for paralegals, and truly a wonderful place to see life through the lens of individuals who work closely with attorneys every day. There's a lot of helpful advice for (aspiring) paralegals, and the jokes resonate with legal professionals of all kinds.

r/Lawyers - This private subreddit is invite-only, and requires proof of license. Instructions to apply can be found here. We'd tell you more, but we're pretty sure the whole thing is confidential.

r/LegalNews - With 3.3k members, r/legalnews is much smaller than its sibling r/law, but can also feel more intimate. The content is US-leaning, and more narrowly focussed on "news" topics.

r/LawCanada - A "place to discuss the professional legal experience in Canada", this subreddit with 3.9k members covers a wide variety of topics, from legal questions to job opportunities to the latest legal developments in Canada.

r/EULaw - With 2.2k members r/EULaw is not quite the size of its Canadian counterpart, which makes sense given the US-leaning demographics of reddit. The community hosts news about European legal developments and events.

r/talesfromthelaw- "A friendly place for everyone in the legal world to share their best stories about cases, clients, crappy plea deals, or whatever ruined your Monday. All are welcome: lawyers, judges, clerks, case workers, victim advocates, doc review specialists... laugh along with us!"

r/AusLaw - With 19k+ members, r/Auslaw hosts a very lively community discussing law and the legal profession in Australia. We hear that sometimes r/AusLaw has a brawl with r/Australia, which seems very Australian to us.

r/UKLaw - This subreddit for practicing lawyers in the United Kingdom is intended for the discussion of interesting UK caselaw and legislation, and for discussion of the legal profession as a whole.

r/LegalAdviceCanada - The equivalent of r/legaladvice, but for Canadians. In other words, a place to ask simple legal questions. 14.9k members.

r/LegalAdviceUK - With a whopping 73.7k members, this is the place on Reddit for Brits, Scots, Northern Ireland residents, and other UK residents to ask simple legal questions.

r/LegalAdviceIreland - a place for Irish residents to ask simple legal questions.

r/LegalAdviceEU - With over 2.7k members, this is a place for EU residents to ask simple legal questions.

r/AusLegal - a place for Aussies to ask simple legal questions.

r/BestOfLegalAdvice - highlights amusing, infuriating, or just plain weird threads in other law-related subreddits, with a heavy bias towards legal advice subs.

r/BadLegalAdvice - Highlights poor or incorrect legal advice on Reddit and beyond. In the words of the community: "When someone provides bad legal advice, relay it to us."

r/LegalAdviceOfftopic - 78.9k+ members, discussing hypothetical questions, such as "If I cast an absentee ballot and I die the day before the election, does my vote still count?"

r/Ask_Lawyers - 12.7k members. Anyone may post questions; only lawyers may post answers in comment sections. Questions may relate to current events or general curiosity.

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