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QuisLex Bolsters Legal Spend Management Capabilities with New Addition

QuisLex has welcomed a new legal operations expert to their team.

QuisLex Bolsters Legal Spend Management Capabilities with New Addition

QuisLex, a frontrunner in the alternative legal services sector, has recently expanded its team by welcoming Suzanne Ganier, a seasoned expert in legal operations. Ganier will serve as the new director for legal spend solutions, reinforcing the company's commitment to enhancing its legal audits and spend management services.

A New Era for Legal Spend Solutions

Under Ganier's leadership, QuisLex aims to collaborate closely with legal operations teams, general counsels, CFOs, and other finance experts to address their legal spend management requirements. The company's approach is not limited to merely scrutinizing legal bills. Instead, it delves deeper by assessing workflows and processes, aiming to refine pricing models, scope, and overall value. Additionally, QuisLex is dedicated to ensuring adherence to billing guidelines and generating insightful legal spend analytics.

QuisLex's advisory services also extend to law firms, guiding them to better understand and adapt to evolving client billing and matter management needs. Jennifer Contegiacomo, QuisLex's vice president for legal solutions, expressed confidence in Ganier's capabilities, emphasizing that her expertise will be instrumental in the growth of the company's advisory services.

Suzanne Ganier: A Brief Overview

Ganier's journey in the legal industry is diverse and impressive. She began her career as an attorney in the insurance sector and transitioned to legal operations and spend management in 2008. Her roles have included leading legal operations for an insurance carrier, consulting for Elevate Services, and serving as an associate program director for LegalView BillAnalyzer at Wolters Kluwer ELM.

Ganier's academic achievements include; a B.A. in psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a J.D. from Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, and an Executive MBA from Quantic School of Business and Technology.

About QuisLex

QuisLex specializes in areas like managed document review, contract management, compliance services, legal spend management, and legal operations consulting. The company's team of skilled attorneys, process experts, and technologists collaborate to offer solutions that reduce costs, mitigate risks, and enhance efficiency. Recognized by various industry bodies, QuisLex continues to set benchmarks in the legal services domain.

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