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DC Circuit Court Overrules SEC’s Denial of Grayscale Bitcoin ETF Proposal

The ruling triggered an immediate Bitcoin price surge.

DC Circuit Court Overrules SEC’s Denial of Grayscale Bitcoin ETF Proposal

Grayscale Investments, a leading crypto investment firm, landed a huge victory on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, in its legal tussle with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), after a federal appeals court ruling. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the company and ordered the SEC to reevaluate its earlier denial of Grayscale’s proposal to convert its Bitcoin Trust, called GBTC, into an exchange-traded fund (ETF). 

This judgment sent ripples across the crypto industry, leading to an immediate surge in Bitcoin prices and offering hope for the approval of spot bitcoin ETFs in the U.S.

The legal conflict began when the SEC blocked Grayscale’s attempt to convert its Bitcoin Trust into an ETF. Grayscale retaliated by suing the SEC in June 2022, arguing that the Commission had acted arbitrarily in approving ETFs investing in bitcoin futures contracts while rejecting products that aimed to hold bitcoin directly. 

The three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Grayscale, ruling that the SEC must review its rejection of the company’s proposal. In its 20-page decision for the ruling, the court said the SEC failed to provide adequate reasoning for its rejection and that "the denial of Grayscale’s proposal was arbitrary and capricious because the Commission failed to explain its different treatment of similar products."

The court’s ruling is a major win for Grayscale Investments, which has been pushing for years to convert its Bitcoin Trust into an ETF. The conversion would lower fees for investors and make it easier for them to buy and sell shares. It would also increase liquidity and make it easier for institutional investors to gain exposure to bitcoin.

In an interview with Bloomberg TV, the CEO of Grayscale Investments, Michael Sonnenshein, remarked that they are unsure if a new application must be submitted to the SEC for the conversion of its GBTC product into a spot bitcoin ETF.

Following the court’s decision, Bitcoin prices rose by more than 5%, exceeding $27,000. This price surge underlines the market’s anticipation and the significant impact such a decision holds. Stocks for Coinbase, the largest crypto exchange in the U.S., soared by over 13%, while stocks for bitcoin mining companies Marathon Digital and Riot Blockchain leaped by 18% and 24% respectively.

The SEC has long been skeptical about approving spot bitcoin ETFs, citing concerns over market manipulation. However, the court’s decision could compel the SEC to reassess its stance, potentially opening the doors for a spot bitcoin ETF in the U.S.

The approval of a spot bitcoin ETF would be a game-changer for American investors. It would allow them to invest directly in bitcoin through their brokerage accounts without having to go through the hassle of buying and storing bitcoin themselves. This would make it easier for retail investors to gain exposure to bitcoin and could lead to an influx of new money into the market.


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